Your Best Advice on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

What Is Alzheimer's Disease ?

In Alzheimer's disease, the death of brain cells causes memory loss and cognitive decline. The disease is termed "progressive" as there is progressive death of brain cells that happens over a period of time, starting from mild symptoms and signs which gets progressively worse. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of Dementia and represents around 60 to 70 percent of all Dementia patients. The total brain size shrinks as the disease progresses. The brain of Alzheimer's patients are always found to have tiny plaques and tangles both within and between brain cells. Although they cannot be seen in a living brain, they can be seen during postmortem. Although these plaques and tangles are associated with Alzheimer's patients, scientists are not sure whether there is actually another underlying cause for Alzheimer's disease.