Your Best Advice on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Dementia, Ageing And Quality Of Life

Dementia is a terminal condition. It is caused by a variety of diseases including Alzheimer's, Vascular, Parkinson's and Huntingdon disease. It involves the progressive loss of mental and ultimately, physical functions in those affected. At the end, it results in death from the progressive and irreversible death of brain cells. Dementia is NOT a normal part of ageing but only ASSOCIATED with ageing. About 90% of dementias occur in people above the age of 65 but it is worth noting that of all those above the age of 65, only one in ten (ie 10%) have dementia.This figure increases with age and reaches 50% among those aged 95 and over. Although dementia is often looked upon as a hopeless condition,it is a fact that when strategies and support networks are put in place and implemented at the correct time, those affected can benefit from maximised improvement in their quality of life across the dementia trajectory.